Will Martin.8 Cressy
(Frank P.7,
William P.6,
Edward W.5,
![Will M. Cressy](images/pg117-WillM.Cressy.jpg)
Will M. Cressy
Born October 29, 1863 in Bradford, New Hampshire.
Married in January 19, 1890 Blanche
Dayne who was born Dec. 25, 1871 of Troy, New York. She died
June 27, 1944.
He began a stage career in 1889, got to be a veteran vaudeville
headliner and playwright. Has written over 200 one- and
three-act plays, which are being played in the United States and
Europe. He and his wife as "Cressy and Dayne" followed Keith's
circuit for several years. During World War I they were
entertainers in France. They were both truly the doughboys'
friends. He was gassed while in France and wore the wounded
stripe. He died at his home in St. Petersburg, Florida, in
1930, at 67; was buried with full military honors, and the
American Legion burial service was used at the funeral on the
lawn, and later the body was cremated. A guard from the Post,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, was on duty at the casket until the
funeral. He was an honorary member, no children.
The Actors' Birthday Book By Johnson Briscoe 1907
WILL M. CRESSY is a name that has become one of the most potent
drawing-cards in vaudeville, where he and Mrs. Cressy, known to
the footlight world as Blanche Dayne, have long held an
unrivaled position among head-liners. The reason for their
success is not hard to lind, for they are both exceptionally
talented players and have always had the best sort of material
in the way of playlets. As to the latter. Mr. Cressy, himself,
has written every one of them, aml is also I he author of over
a hundred other sketches that have been used from time to time
by various vaudeville players, so his fame as an actor is fully
equaled by that of author. A biographer once sought to gain some
data from Mr. Cressy, but his only reply- was: "Oh, I was born
up in Bradford, New Hampshire, quite a while ago; have acted
some and written a few sketches — that's all." However, it
is quite considerable to occupy his eminent position as an actor
and to hold the record for having written more sketches than any
other playright. Mr. Cressy and Miss Dayne are especially big
favorites over the Keith-Proctor circuit, and the season of
1906-07 they played five weeks alone at the Union Square
Theater, five at Keith's Philadelphia house, and six at the
Boston house. Mr. Cressy's latest offering is entitled
"The Wyoming Whoop" in which he plays the role of Judge Hiram
Hodges a wild, woolly, self-sacrificing old
1. Johnson Briscoe,
The Actors'Birthday Book (New York:
Moffat, Yard & Company, 1907) p. 238.
IN tile vaudeville theatres the name of Blanche Dayne has become
a synonym for charming, unaffected acting, and her sweet and
girlish personality has made her many friends with lovers of
that branch of me amusement field. As co-star with Will M.
Cressy, whom she married some years ago, Miss Dayne has built
up a popularity and following that extends from the Atlantic to
the Pacific. She was born in Troy, N. Y., and her debut was made
in that city at the age of five, with the late Emma Abbott. At
the age of sixteen she was starring in repertoire and, while one
would not suspect it to see her now, she was at that time
considered a great jig and reel dancer. Many theatregoers will
pleasantly recall her Rickety Atm in "The Old Homestead," which
she played several seasons. She has been particularly happy in
the seven vaudeville playlets which she and Mr. Cressy have
presented, her first big success being as the book-agent in
"Grasping An Opportunity." This was quickly followed by equally
as pleasing portrayals in "The Key of C," "A Village Lawyer,"
"Bill Biffin's Baby," "The New Depot," "Town Hall To-Night,"
and her latest success, Genevieve Monmorency in "The Wyoming
Whoop," in all of which she displayed an unusual amount of
versatility, and a complete grasp of the dramatic possibilities
of each role. Miss Dayne is a careful, painstaking actress, with
an appreciation of theatrical values and she is equally at home
as the emotional wife in "A Village Lawyer, ' as the dainty,
girlish heroine in "Bill Biffin's Baby." or as the barnstorming
actress in "The Wyoming Whoop." quite a sufficient test of one's
powers. She has always shared in half the histrionic glories
that have gone to Cressy and Dayne. and many people have
marveled that she does not seek to return to the wider field of
the three- act drama. But Miss Dayne is too appreciative of the
success that has come to her as a vaudeville co-star, and for
the time being, at any rate, she is quite contented and
satisfied with her field of endeavor.2
2. Johnson Briscoe,
The Actors'Birthday Book (New York:
Moffat, Yard & Company, 1907) p. 283.