The Cressy Family

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Daniel7 Cressey (John M.6, John W.5, John4, Daniel3, John2, Mighill1)
Born 1813 in Buxton, Maine, married:
(1) 1840 Mary Hill daughter of Henry Hill of Brownfield, Maine. She died 1877 in 61st year.
(2) 1879 Mary Flood daughter of James Flood of Buxton, Maine. She died 1911 in 83rd year.
He attended the public schools, engaged in heading business, teaming with oxen to Portland before the railroads were built, and farming. He was a man of good business ability and very successful, honest, and well informed. He always said it was hardest to save the first $1,000. He loaned money on good security, notes and mortgages on real estate at good interest, was one of the directors of the Buxton and Hollis Savings Bank. In 1889 there was stolen from his safe about $7,000 in bonds. Mr. G. H. Weeks of Gorham, Maine was engaged to ferret out the mystery. He traced them to New York through 14 different firms and found a sporting man who had $2,500 but the rest was not found. His property was appraised at $30,000. He died 1891 at 77. They attended the Free Baptist Church and she was a member.

Children born in Buxton, Maine:
909 I.

Horace8 Cressey born March 10, 1841, married Lovanthia Elwell.

910 II.

Hannah8 Cressey born September 18, 1842, unmarried, died July 28, 1927, in 85th year.

911 III.

Charles H.8 Cressey born April 23, 1844, married (1) Susan F. Foss, (2) Annie McLanathan.

912 IV.

Noah8 Cressey born March 17, 1846, married (1) Annie S. Wyman, (2) Clara V. Ellis.

913 V.

Daniel8 Cressey born June 6, 1848, married Lorana Cloudman of Windham, Maine; farmer and milk route.

914 VI.

Infant son born and died 1851.

915 VII.

Mary8 (Cressey) Rand born February 8, 1853, married 1880 Wilbur F. Rand of Standish, Maine, farmer. She died February 1927.

Children born in Standish, Maine:

Maud, born _____, married Eugene Knight.


Erma Knight


Wilbur Knight


Harold, born _____, married Miss Evans.


Evans Rand


Patricia Rand

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Please address any comments to:
LeRoy D. Cressy